domingo, 27 de abril de 2008

Sunday Sunday

What a delightful Sunday! It's raining out there, that light rain, and I am so lazy to go anywhere anyway, it's great when it rains and one can stay indoors, better, when one doesn't really feel like going anywhere and there's no force compelling one to do that. Yeah, because if it's sunny one almost feels obliged to go outside, otherwise one feels like one is missing life, missing those precious moments outdoors. If it's raining, there's no such feeling, rain is such a great excuse. One forgives oneself for missing life, and grab a good book, sit in the big old chair, looking to the garden and to the light rain pouring from the skies, and damn it feels so good. Let me get that hot cup of tea and it's just so perfect. What else could I ask for?

4 comentários:

Frodo Balseiro disse...

Patrícia, só faltou Jack the Ripper para compor o cenário!
Você comeu o restante da pizza amanhecida de ontem? Ou foram "peixe e fritas"?
Que coisa mais lugubre....hehehehe

patricia m. disse...

Frodo, que nada, finally I'm getting into the British mood. Tivemos curry a noite passada, nada mais tipico nao?

E agora o sol abriu, mas ja eh tarde, estou assistindo documentarios sobre a 2 Guerra Mundial no History Channel, and preparing myself for another week that begins tomorrow.

Life's good. :-)

Anônimo disse...


quietness, solitude, a good book... and the clock lazily dragging its hands as wishing the time would slowly escape. no thoughts come to mind but the memories of a time long past, under another rain and another sky, feeling another quietness, being in another solitude and reading another book...

no one could wish you a nicer week-end end, dear...

patricia m. disse...

I don't like the past, I like the future.